Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Bushel and a Peck...

So Ash and I decided to go apple picking this past weekend...I mean, now that I am respectively DONE with most of my fall shows for a few weeks (I have had one every weekend from August until last weekend on both weekend days, not to mention being away from Ash for more than 10 days during Sept). Needless to say, the hubs is a trooper. (But I did treat him to the fleet foxes show here Monday night as well. Did I already say that it was amazing? B/c it was...

Having an actual Saturday off felt like the best vacation I've had in awhile.  Here are some pictures to highlight our adventure. We also stopped by Salem, which is particularly cheesy this time of year...

If I find enough gumption to post more pics, I have quite a few from our McClure/Lucas vacation extravaganza in Florida and Birmingham to post later. yay! 

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