Thursday, October 9, 2008

Suma-time/part 2

These are just a few images from the latter part of our beach vacation before we headed to Bhm for Artwalk. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of Artwalk this year. And Ash had to go home on Saturday so he could be at work on Monday (boo that). I stayed in there for a few days to catch up with people before heading to a show in Chicago the next weekend...where Hurricane Ike's wind and record rainfall caught up with me in payback of having such a glorious time at the beach. Who's the sucka now...?

Bike rental in Rosemary is essential. When my family arrived the second half of the week, we had the best time cruising up and down the sidewalks on our 'new' bikes. This shot is on our way to Alys Beach to play at the Fonville Press.
I love this shot of Holly and me. This was one of the things I had looked forward to most in heading South in August. Time with my girl. *sigh*This is our sweet niece, Caroline. Who, when well rested, is the most delightful of little girls. We played on the 'grassy knoll' here in Alys for quite awhile and this shot I think captures a little bit of my hope for her as she grows up...
...And Holly and I just like to roll down the hill...together. :) and yes, we DO have action shots of this.

Oh how I miss J.Clyde and friends...this was a fun night. Thanks for showing up, guys!
One of my mom's and my favorite things is ice I think Caroline gets it honest. It's fun to be an aunt and get them tanked up on sweets before returning them home (sorry Heather). Kind of a little payback for growing up with Tommy. ;) and I know it will come back to me one day, I'm sure...

Suma-time/part 1

This is from a short trip up to Portsmouth, NH. A day where we went to a waterpark (hilarity), to Hampton Beach, to Portsmouth, to LL Bean in Maine and then back home...all in about 14 hours. Fun times!

This picture is from the time we spent in Rosemary Beach, FL with Ash's family...albeit very brief (b/c some are more fearful of hurricanes than others, ;) ), we definitely loved our time with them...especially our nephews Noah (2.5) and Jonah (10 months).

This picture was taken less than 20 hours before Gustav hit about 100 miles down the beach from us. BTW: being that we were in the middle of the rain bands, we never saw a drop of rain in Rosemary Beach. Suckas.

A Bushel and a Peck...

So Ash and I decided to go apple picking this past weekend...I mean, now that I am respectively DONE with most of my fall shows for a few weeks (I have had one every weekend from August until last weekend on both weekend days, not to mention being away from Ash for more than 10 days during Sept). Needless to say, the hubs is a trooper. (But I did treat him to the fleet foxes show here Monday night as well. Did I already say that it was amazing? B/c it was...

Having an actual Saturday off felt like the best vacation I've had in awhile.  Here are some pictures to highlight our adventure. We also stopped by Salem, which is particularly cheesy this time of year...

If I find enough gumption to post more pics, I have quite a few from our McClure/Lucas vacation extravaganza in Florida and Birmingham to post later. yay!