Monday, March 2, 2009

Lady in the Street...

To whomever recovered the air-brushed unmentionable in the laundry this week,


Also, I'm slightly embarrassed even though I'm laughing about it. And to explain myself, I must add that they were a gag bachelorette gift that referenced a Ludacris song and not a personal note about my behavior inside the proverbial sheets. They only come out when it's past time to do laundry, but they ARE comfortable nonetheless. I hope that your unfortunate find gave you more of a laugh than just reason to be awkward in the stairwell.


Your non-freakish neighbor,



Unknown said...

You are SO funny! When can we get together?

I love how this post gives true meaning to "airing your dirty laundry!" -- haha!

amy & ashley said...

haha. what's sad is that it was clean, i'm sure, just left in the washer or dryer for some unsuspecting soul to find mixed in with theirs. eep!

jessica said...

SO FUNNY! i wish i could have seen your face when you realized you left them!

Abby said...

I'm pretty sure this is a sign that you have one too many pairs of ridiculous panties.