Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas in Dixie...

So it usually takes me longer than I would like to catch up on reading all my friends' blogs, much less writing in my own. Today has found me camped out on our couch all day with a ferocious cold. Apparently, being pregnant wipes out your immune system and leaves you hacky and snotty with nothing you can really do about it other than accumulate sympathetic apologies affixed to well wishes from the local pharmacist. And somehow, I leave CVS already feeling like a bad parent for wanting relief. What's up with that? Having just returned from our Christmas trip South, I had planned on jumping right back into the studio in preparation of my February wholesale show, among a current production schedule due out in late January. I had also thought I would come home rested and rejuvenated too. Definitely NOT the case for me. Feeling like ass is not something I am used to--Ash even called and set up doctor stuff for me with our insurance (which I had neglected to do in August) and make an appointment. I can usually get things running pretty well again in about 2 days, but this has had me flat exhausted for over a week now and I'm tired of it. Tie-Urd. 

It's funny though, I have time to think like I don't normally think. Or wander into my usual disaster fantasies like the upcoming tax season, do I need another tax write off for this year or am I just in a spendy mood? What will I do about working in the studio and being prego? What will I do to keep cash coming in when baby actually arrives? Is our new place really going to be the shithole I imagine it will be? What if I never feel good again? What if it stays winter forever up here? Comical, Ash would say. But seriously, right? What IF? 

Jumping tracks a bit, we did have the best time at home, despite my being sick and Ash taking such good care of me. I have been so thankful for that man over the last few weeks...much more than I can even say. He amazes me with his kindness and thoughtfulness...and keeping things together. Good man. *sigh* So anyway, we got to Bhm much earlier than we had planned b/c of the impending snow storm that was to hit Friday afternoon. We moved our 6pm flight to 6am to avoid being stuck in an airport most of the weekend. A good example of my neurotic brain working in our favor and a perfect opp to surprise Mom. It was fun to troll around telling people with our news, or them guessing it before we have a chance to say it (Su ;o), and even going to a party (Mistletoe Madness) and RMC and catching up with friends...and family. It was fun noticing all those little things about the South that we used to take for granted upon our re-entry: wide interstate lanes, no tolls, cheap parking, wide parking spaces, friendly hellos when we enter a restaurant, Chick-fil-A, good customer service, Bible-verse themed interstate signs next to Love Stuff themed interstate signs, Chelsea Christmas parades that involve Santa, Jesus, shetland ponies and karaoke, people who use turn signals for the direction they are turning (despite the fact that there are only 2 people occupying the 8 person vehicle), and believe it or not, less potholes. Much less. Even for Alabama. 

Here are a few pics for your enjoyment of our niece and 2 nephews...

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